Euro Cadillac

A lovely warm 28-29 degrees today, and sunny as usual. 

A long lie this morning, and finally got going after breakfast.  After a couple of busy days, today has mostly been lazy.  I did go out shopping and for a walk before lunch.  The hotel seems busy at meal times, and at the rubbish entertainment in the evening, but the pool I was at was super quiet.  I had the hot tub and pool to myself most times, love it.  Been out for a meal this evening, and now a quiet time in the hotel. 

Mad with myself today, I had forgotten about the EU elections!  So no postal vote, or paper vote for me!  I do hope Scotland and the rest of the UK see sense, and hopefully put all the Brexit rubbish behind us now!  Sick to the bone hearing of it, and hearing that awful women's voice, Teresa May!  We need to move forward!  So here is my tribute to us staying in the EU, with a Euro painted Cadillac :)  Taken that the casino at the Buenos Aires hotel, Playa Del Ingles, Gran Canaria.  

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