Goodbye Paddy

Paddy's parents have sold their house and they are moving away so today was probably my last walk with him as I am off next week. Going to miss him so much. We've had him every week day for the past 5 years. He's a beautiful gentle soul, with gorgeous deep brown eyes. We had a big cuddle today and I had a few tears when I dropped him home. He hates having his photo taken so this was the best I got. Sad day.

The kids had a musical thing on at school.. I couldn't get out of work but just made the last 10 mins of it. Eva was really upset we couldn't go in to school this morning and join in their workshops but they rounded the day off with a mini performance of what they had done.

Busy packing and cat feeding and horsing tonight. Eva said she was too tired to ride so I lunged Jack whilst she pottered about. Poo picked the fields and moved Limes fence a bit.

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