Four hours at a driver education workshop.

30 mins in the school with Buddy. He did really well today.

Home to fetch Eva.

Vet visit. Sarcoid confirmed. Discussion on best treatment options. 1.leave it and hope it doesn't grow but invalidate my insurance if it does and I later want to treat it 2. Liverpool cream 3. Laser which involves knocking him out. Vet advised maybe a bit overkill. Going for option 2.

Eva wanted to do a little jump but the school was so dusty it was making him cough so we had to hack out which was my preferred option anyway as such a beautiful evening. Jack liked swiping cow parsley on his way. He's out at night now and seems to be OK with that. Vet said no obvious sign of lami now but to continue with what we're doing and get him as much exercise as poss.

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