Listenin Late Last Night, heard a Screen Door Slam
And there you go.
A big red train, took my Girl away.
I was most excellent today. We fairly bounced out of bed at 515, showered, shouted Tooli, drank coffee and were out the house at 6.
No Tears.
We drove all the way to Ingliston Park and Ride. No Mishaps
No Tears.
We got the Tram. This time she really seemed to enjoy the tram ride - If you remember we "forced" her on them while she was at Uni and she was horrified - see extra for then and now :-)
We got off at the station,.
no tears.
She went for a pee.
Si went for a pee.
Tooli went for Bacon Buttie.
No Tears.
We walked to platfom; she ate bacon buttie.
No Tears
Train came in - Still no tears!
I actually thought we were going to do it. Actually do it. Get her on the train, and wave her off no tears.
She got on train. Got a Seat. Dad lugged Suitcase on.
I put her additional luggage on the rack. I said "I've done it, are you not proud of me" and She turned and looked at me; blue eyes full of tears and threw herself at me.
That. was. it.
I was gone.
She was gone.
He was gone.
The lady sitting behind her on the train was gone.
We were all gone.
We hugged and hugged some more. Told her to say hey to Tommy, hugs for Boy, and to behave herself at camp.
and then we decamped.
And then I remembered I hadn't got her a magazine. So I ran at full-me-speed round to the newsagents, picked up her a book, and a couple of magazines and ran back.
We then spoke via hand signals and messages through phone until the train left.
And then it did.
And so did she.
And eventually so did we.
And now we are home, and all is quiet again. The mess is still here. It will still here, until we can be sure tidying it up, isn't going to set me off again.
and tomorrow we will be fine.
For the Words
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