
By FarmerGirl


Well the day has finally come and just about gone for us here in NZ......and what an extremely hot day it was. By lunch time we had reached 32 degrees, then the clouds started to come in and by 2.30pm it was thundering and raining. Unfortunately the rain didn't last long (we need rain, again), but it did cool the place down for a short time.

Santa (aka Farmerboy) was very kind to me this year. I was very spoilt and given a Canon 100mm macro lens - so today's photo is a close up of a flower on our feijoa tree. This bush flowers at this time of the year to produce fruit in April/May - to me the flowers remind me of Christmas with their bright red stamens.

I hope you all have had or are about to have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy yourself and the time with your family.

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