
By FarmerGirl

It twas the day before Christmas...........

.....and all was quiet, I wish!! Shortly I'm going to start preparing for tomorrow's lunch, or dessert to be more exact. The Pavlova will be in the oven first, and while that is cooking I plan on making a Chocolate Mousse Ice-Cream Cake - delicious! Once that is done then it is onto icing the Christmas Cake - almond icing, followed by a lovely brandy icing on top of the almond icing and then some Christmas decorations on top of that. Yum! Oh, and I must remember to finish wrapping the last of the presents.

It was lovely and cool milking this morning. Walking up to the cowshed at 4.50am there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and in the distance up the valley there was an orange tinge where the sun was starting to rise.

It's going to be another hot day, so I've decided to get cracking early and start my jobs - the first of which is to post today's blip. I took this one while waiting for the cows to walk to their paddock. This is looking up the Matakitaki Valley - the sky is cloudless.

Only one more sleep and the big day is here........

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