Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Earlier in the day, Mr. Fun & I had been out and about finishing some final tasks, checking off the things on our list that are needed for tomorrow's holiday meal. When we drove back through our neighborhood to the house, the neighbors had begun the set-up work of all the luminaries. Sounds crazy, but I was so excited!

So this evening about 7:00, we both stopped what we were doing, threw on our coats, and starting walking and oohing & awing (and of course taking photos). My camera is certainly not the best for taking shots after dark, but Mr. Fun again wins the prize for getting something that is almost worth blipping. It's a little dark, but I think the overall concept is seen -- the decorated houses, the luminaries lining the curbs, cars driving through to see it, and at least one group of people huddled together talking.

Well, I think these two who live here at "Funville" are actually going to arrive at this holiday almost ready. And what we didn't get done, we'll just "fake it."

We actually finished getting the last few gifts today. Gift giving will be fairly low-key this year, and mostly we've gotten some things for our great-grandson Tristan. He's 6-years-old and watching him experience Christmas will bring the wonder and thrill that only happens with a child. We do have some gifts for our three young adult grandchildren: Ashly, Desiree, and Emerson.

Mr. Fun's 90 year-old mom will be here for the Christmas meal, so the age spread will be from 6 to 90 and everything in between. I'm sure it will be a memory to savor as we all gather together.

I'm extremely tired now, so I'm going to bed.

Merry Christmas to EVERYONE in Blip-land. This is a wonderful community and many of you have already had your Christmas celebration, but here on the West Coast of America, we're about 35 minutes from the clock chiming 12 times and the calendar turing to December 25.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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