Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

J & soft coral

Felt a bit better this morning but still difficult to get down on the first dive. As a result we lost the group when they went deeper. Had a nice dive looking in the coral for Nudies and shrimps. We caught up with one of the other groups towards the end of the dive and LA was photographing a sea horse. Managed to get an OK photo. After that there were a couple of cuttle fish before we came up. Quick change as we were meant to be going to a pearl farm but it was shut being a Sunday, which was a shame. Came to do the second dive and I couldn’t get down as my sinuses were too sore. Seems it was a nice dive with some shark action. Spent the afternoon doing nothing and trying to get a combination of drugs that might work. J went on the night dive, which was under a pier again. It was shallow enough that I might have been able to do it. Had a nice evening chatting with ST and N. Early to bed at 8.30 full of drugs.

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