Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

The Big Waters & Train Etiquette

The Forth and the Tay Rail bridges, I'm crossing them sometimes four times weekly in this job, so much travelling. So many unasked for insights into other folks lives via their loud mobile phone conversations. So many skills honed not spurting the milk canisters on opening them over my fellow passengers. So many glimpses of deer, rabbits, hares, birds, and, if I'm lucky, a fox. No whales....yet. So many unreliable Wi-Fi signals to do work on the laptop....I started out being dedicated, but I probably spend too much time looking for wildlife now. So many offshore workers back stories...or forward stories...as they head home with a carry out and get louder and louder about their planned exploits. So many KitKats. So many frustrated self important travellers who demand an insanely big space for their laptop and associated VIP accoutrements, while resenting travellers in first class. Avoiding contact, and at all costs conversation (perish the thought!), unless you can help someone out.

I'm pretty okay with all of that stuff....got no choice...as long as there is a tea trolley on board, otherwise, on a 4 hour journey, all bets are off suckers!

But Scotland is so pretty pretty to train ride across.

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