Buchan Coast

Magical switch off courtesy of Aberdeenshire Ranger Service Saturday walk from Cruden Bay to Longhaven with Sam. It was lovely for the Ranger to recognise Sam and ask about his plans. Epic tales of Danish battles, horror writing, Victorian resorts, Churchill's woman spurned, Slains castle back story, wildlife and wild flowers a go-go, cliffs to (hopefully not) die for, nesting kestrel among millions of nesting seabirds, elusive puffins, kittiwakes talking, razorbills, thrift galore, invasive Japanese knotweed (boo!), the epic and overwhelmingly beautiful Bullers of Buchan, ancient granite quarries and hidden deepest of depths quarry pools, longhaven SWT wildlife reserve and a glorious old school sandwich picnic on the edge of the world. Best of tired feelings at night, what a lovely respite from otherworldly bad stuff. Thank the stars we have a ranger service.

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