Christmas Day

....................With the Morris family.

Good things:

A muddy walk with the family
Playing ball with Alfie, the bearded collie, & Skye, the border collie. They're both 6 years younger than me and I was just as speedy as them. YAY!
Meeting the 'Morris family' friends and drinking Champagne at 10am on the muddy walk. OK that's a good thing for the humans?!!
Giving pressies - I let Skye, the border collie, have my 'Santa scarf' after we'd had a play.
Opening pressies - I got 3 bouncy balls, a travel water bowl for when we go on our long walks, a new collar & lead and a squeaky reindeer.
Eating turkey - Ann's sister gave me little titbits YUM!
Lots of attention - 10 people for Christmas dinner and everyone loved me.

Bad things:

There weren't any bad things?! Except for me intimidating Alfie when he was trying to open his pressies. ..................Ann got very angry with me. Apparently I'm the guest so have to learn not to be so territorial?!!!

What an exhausting day! Snoozing by the front door now.

The humans are watching 'Downton Abbey', still drinking copious quantities of wine and eating cheese.

Merry Chistmas Blippers - Hope you've all had a fab day. xxx

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