Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team

This is a blip of me leaping over a stream on our 'traditional' Christmas day walk.

However today this Blip isn't about me; it's about my owner, Ann's sister Jill & her partner Steve. They are members of the Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team

Just as the turkey was going into the oven they received a 'call out' to help look for a missing person. All our Christmas plans were abandoned and they sprang into action.

To cut a very long story short; Jill & Steve were part of the team who found the missing person.

If Jill & Stevie, and the rest of the Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team
hadn't been prepared to give up their 'Christmas Day' a life may have been lost.

Amazing to think that all these wonderful people are volunteers and get no government funding.

Today I've been a very lucky little collie dog, I've had a lovely day and got loads of lovely pressies.

Christmas Day 2011 Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team saved a life. Certainly puts things in perspective doesn't it?!

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