Prototype -
"a first or preliminary version of a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed".
Well I'm pleased with it so far. Plastic guttering, 2 pieces of card cut from a Nerine header pack shape the ends, a small plastic food container cut up fits inside to make it waterproof, well not totally, but will hopefully prevent the card rotting before the veggies are ready, held in place with clothes pegs. Filled with compost, beetroot, spring onion, & salad leaves all sown. Now I just have to wait and see. It will be handy having salad veggies to pick from the garden rather than the allotment, so I hope it works. Pea plants were planted out up on the plot this afternoon along with some red, & white onion sets that desperately needed to go in the ground. Scattered Nigella, French & African marigold seed at the runner bean bed ends hoping to encourage the pollinators, and add a bit of colour. Then pinched out the growing tips of the broad beans. We had them with dinner tonight. Delish! I thought you COULD eat them but did a quick Google when I got back. Yep! Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall suggested steaming them briefly then tossing them in melted butter, so I did.
Had a bit of time at the library printig off all the paperwork for our hols. It never goes smoothly, fortunately it was only me and the librarian.
Bag packing tomorrow .. that should be fun :)
See ya!
Thanks to Steveng for hosting :)
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