The foxgloves love it @ No81
Every time I look at them they appear to be taller .... obviously very happy in this space. I did'nt plan for them to be taking over though, in there somewhere is a pretty glossy leaved Coprosma, a purple leaved Persicaria, & an Escallonia but for now I'm letting the foxgloves take centre stage. The weird thing is I only plonked odd foxgloves seedlings in this patch as I came across them elsewhere in the garden.
Another early start, good job I love the mornings. Breakfast, then I nipped up to the shop to buy a couple of cans of drink as Nicky, the late Ella's mum, was paying me a visit on the allotment. Tangerine & Strawberry Pellegrino .......... an impulse buy. I only read Tangerine on the tin. I could'nt taste either fruit but it did'nt matter as Nicky's company was what I'd been looking forward to. We had a lovely long catch up on the plot then headed back home to sit in the garden & exchange plants. I've now got to find a spot for a fab large grey leafed Senecio candicans 'Angel Wings' & a Tumbling Tom tomato.
Now about to watch Gardener's World ..
Thanks to Biker Bear/Anni for continueing to host Flower Friday
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