
By Frazersfotos

What did I marry into?!

My father in law, in the pool.
Nuff said.
Other highlight of the day:
My nephew won one of the games that people who are minding their own business sitting round the pool are strong armed into playing by the ‘animation’ team. I.e. organised fun that I have been staying we’ll clear of. Anyway it was great that he won. However, in the restaurant at lunch he proclaimed loudly that he was ‘glad he beat the Nazi’. When my brother in law started to explain that you can’t say things like that, Jasper says ‘but he was German - Germans are Nazis’ at top volume. Cue some hasty history lessons from myself and his dad whilst we nervously looked around for pissed off Germans. Luckily it was just misinformation, and I have not married into a closet racist family.

Nephew also told me I looked nice in my swimming costume, and sat next to me at every meal

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