Calm before the storm

A busy and potentially very stressful week or so ahead for me, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to be on blipfoto to check out your lovely journals. I'll try to post a photo every day though. It's like therapy: a little oasis of calm in all the chaos!

Still, Grace and I did manage a couple of hours together this morning with some of our Mammy and Baby friends. Here's Grace climbing down from the sofa. She's a proper little acrobat already. When we were playing just before her bedtime tonight, I was lying on the bed and she was throwing herself from a standing position over the top of me again and again. The best bit is her 'pre-throw' pose. She puts her arms in the air like a floor gymnast about to start a tumbling sequence. Too funny :)

A year ago: a windswept Baggins makes his blipfoto debut

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