Wistful moments

By KathM


I've had a lovely day today. For those who asked we did have a Christmas baby on my night shift last night. It only just scraped in though at 10 seconds past midnight but it was an exciting event and we all cheered! :-)
After only a short sleep i drove up to my sister's who cooked an amazing dinner and the rest of the day was spent playing card games and doing quizzes. We had a real laugh, the most fun in ages without the involvement of alcohol ;-)
I can't believe how spoilt i've been with presents. My good friend Koko has been a real rock to me through some difficult days and really went to town with some gorgeous gifts some of which will be perfect for my new house when i move. And my blip secret santa present blew me away. Thankyou so so much, i could get really emotional!!
Anyway, i better post this quick, i've only 3 mins til midnight and then i need to sleep!
Merry Christmas to you all. xxx

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