Wistful moments

By KathM

Christmas Day 2013

Merry Christmas!!
I've had a lovely day today. I've been a very lucky girl with some amazing presents including Little Grey Rabbit. I grew up reading some of the books and adore them. Unfortunately they're hard to get hold of but somehow Mark got his hands on these, and a little original toy one too. :-) My other best friend Koko blew me away with a ticket to see an RSC production of Wendy and Peter Pan in Stratford in February. We're going to make a day of it and i can't wait. After opening more pressies, too many to list, i drove on to enjoy Christmas dinner with my sister and her partner followed by some tv and card games. All in all a brilliant day. Home now for a quiet unwind and then an early night ready for a 12 hour shift tomorrow.

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