
Today's the day ……………………. for a dilemma

We called in at a Garden Centre on the way back home today, to get some oxygenating plants for the new pond.  And, sure enough, they had quite a large selection of water-loving plants for in and around a pond.  But goodness me, they came at a price that would make your eyes water. 

The problem is that really we want our pond to be a natural one with plants that would be found locally, growing in the wild - for free.  At the same time, we don't want to plunder the lovely countryside around us - for our own benefit.  But I suppose we are impatient to have the pond the way we would like now.  A compromise was reached - we did buy a few plants - but hope that we can add more from friends with ponds who don't mind donating some.  

We certainly didn't buy any of these exotic fish with their bright orange markings - or, indeed, any of the 'diamond sturgeon'.  At £95.00 each, they were destined for quite a different sort of pond ………………….  

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