
By seddon


This is me at around 6am after I had been fed, and about an hour before Thomas came in to see if I was awake (ie. Stick his head in my crib and wake me up!)
This morning mummy sorted some clothes out ready to pack for our holidays whilst Thomas gave me some cuddles.
After lunch we went to see one of Thomas's class mates. Thomas, Ameena and her older brother and sister Rohan and Aaliyah played outside whilst mummy and their mummy Georgie, had a brew and chatted. I slept and fed and then had lots of cuddles with everyone when they came back inside.
After tea daddy took Thomas to football training, mummy took me to grandma's house - uncle Marmoo was looking after me whilst mummy went to get her nails done. When mummy got back to pick me up uncle Marmoo had just left to go to the pub and I was fast asleep on grandad!

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