My Bentley

What a dreich old day out. So a good one for sorting through that attic. The very one that featured on my first ever blip. I don’t know how it got so out of hand. So there were bags and bags of stuff carted off. Why did I keep all the packaging that things came in? 
Anyway, task done, I returned with some possessions. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Until I got to my sixties when I found them quite delightful.
It seemed like a day for the movies so we thought we’d toodle along for an early evening showing of Booksmart at Vue. Oh gawd, what a dreadful tedious film. I actually thought it started quite promisingly but it was downhill from there. Steeply downhill. 

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