As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Jehovah's Most Secret Witness

Merry Christmas!

This morning I awoke to the delightful sight of presents under a well-lit tree. I'd have to say that my favorite gift was my zoom lens for my camera! Expect to see some low-quality pictures of things up close from far away soon!

We headed to Kathleen's this morning for Christmas breakfast. Her cousins Janet and Tony came all the way from England to spend the holiday in the U.S.! We had bagels and hung out together and I JUST LOVE TO SEE THEM SO MUCH. Unfortunately, we had to leave eventually.

We lounged around all afternoon until my dad's side of the family came over for dinner. They are quite the bunch.

Some quotes from the night:

"The only person that's Obama" - my grandpa on the NHL lockout

"They're wild, rude...terrible people" - my grandma on Canadians from Quebec

We ate way too much food, I took a quick nap, had second dinner, and then we opened presents and played some video games.

Really not feeling this meet tomorrow morning...on Boxing Day!

Word of the Day: Tidings - News, information, or intelligence

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