Darling Harbour and other delights

The day started with The Boss deciding to conquer another page in his Sydney walking guide and we went to Waverton. We walked from our apartment over the bridge and round the bays and at the end of it we found a cafe complete with a Bloke who’s daughter lived in Wellington and further more told us where the railway station was which was NOT mentioned in the book. This was way better than asking the serving lady in the cafe who had very little English which didn’t include “bus stop” which was across the road. This is another great walk which does divert to streets a bit which adds to the interest.
After dark we went to Darling Harbour where The Boss accosted a bunch of Ausi Police folk to inquire about the stolen Ferris wheel which featured in all the advertising but had been stolen when the afore mentioned police were not looking. “Jeese Mate”  it’s been gone for a year they reported so The Boss shot them a “Kia Ora”   and got one back.
The Darling Harbour setup this year was frankly disappointing and featured noisy thingies that did not make good photographic subjects so there are a couple of extras to make things up.
The first is “Rolling Home” and the second “Dinosaur Rock” from a very enterprising street  musician who judging by his open music case (which The Boss’s contributed to) was on to a very good thing. the music was brilliant too.   Rolling Home used the “Slow Shutter” app for the iPhone and a tripod.
It was a lovely night at 15 c compared to The Bossess who was freezing in Wanaka surrounded by snow.
OH yes 16 km.....and movie time on his iPad.

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