Ready to go

While The Bossess froze down South we had yet another great Welli day at 15 c so decided to go out to lunch. When we got there the place was chocka but while we waited we shared a facetime call with The Bossess and our Alabama friend. We had not done a 3 way but it worked a treat and didn't consume much cellular data  either.. The Boss shares an account with The Bossess that has 9 Gb which never gets used. The hour used about 200 Mb we think. 
It was truly lovely to be out today as there were families everywhere mostly keeping their distance and it just lifts our spirits to think that NZ has done so well and only has 1 live case and no new ones for a week. There is even a plane load of folk arrived and in quarantine who will resume work on "Avatar" soon along with many locals...Can't wait to see that, but will have too. sigh....
Rufus, Dougal and Fuster entertained for todays extra. No I don't kno which is which...

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