Catch me if you can
All four children slept well last night, and none was awake much before 0730, by which time I was back from my run. All were keen to be outdoors. Wind, rain and the tide being wrong discouraged this adult from taking them to the beach this morning.
They dealt with this in the way that tsuken has described. Squirting each other with water, amidst great squeals and laughs and running around outdoors. Lunch was eaten and a time made for when we would go down the cliff path to the beach. Suddenly, we were hit by a powerful wind from the north east driving rain into the doors onto the deck, and actually producing a minor leak.
The rain stopped as quickly as it came and we got everyone sorted and tootled off. This photograph shows the exuberance with which the children dealt with being outdoors.
I am repeatedly referring to outdoors as that is the challenge word for this week, set by blast. This is my response.
On this morning's run I saw this classic example of the NZ Christmas Tree. Almost blipped this instead. Daughter J admired this picture more, so this is the one.
Also while out this morning and not far from where I saw the pohutukawa referred to above, I saw two birds on the water's edge. Managed to get a little closer before they took fright, and flight.
Nearby were two small dotterells, one of which stood up to the local bullies; oystercatchers. In protection of the other.
This photo is seen better in large.
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