Tucking In!

They’ve gone- it really was a flying visit- and the Dower House is deathly quiet again. Well when I say ‘deathly quiet’, it’s not strictly true as the main music tent for the Meadows Festival is just a stone’s throw away over the railings and there is a constant thump,thump of loud music. I wandered round the stalls set up , but fortunately didn’t see anything I liked, which was a relief.

I manage a 4 mile walk before anyone else was up and Rosie had a 5K run before we descended on Söderberg for a delicious breakfast. Then it was a final packing of the car before I waved them off on their return journey.

There is rather a lot of food left over from the visit. I may not have to cook for several days, and there were an alarming number of bottles to relegate to the recycling bin this morning, proof of an evening riotously spent.

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