Dog Days of Summer

This is carrot cake #2. #1 fell at the first post and is just about edible as a dessert. I think I went wrong by adding too many carrots and not using the recommended tin size; best to follow the recipe to the letter. You live and learn.

As I was trying to think what I could add to this rather feeble blip, given that not only every day is the same, but the weather is also the same (beautiful), with nothing of note happening in these dog days of summer, I suddenly realised that everyone seems to suddenly have a bicycle or a dog and maybe both.
I really don’t see the logic of buying a puppy for company during lockdown but then have to leave it on its own when you go back to work. I fear there will be a lot of unhappy pets and some household destruction in the offing.

As for bicycles, they are everywhere, bells or not. The Lycra lads must be rather annoyed to have their speedy passage interrupted by leisurely matrons on sit up and beg machines and strings of little people like goslings following a parent. As for the Deliveroo boys, I wouldn’t meddle with them- they have right of way even on the pavements.

And still the sun shines...............but not for much longer, I think

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