Nelly Moser

The weather has been warm, muggy and a bit damp this morning. Hub popped to feed Bella, daughters cat, then once he was back we walked down town, with our waterproofs on, for brunch in Reds.

We have spent a good few hours working in the garden this afternoon.......lots of weeding, cutting back, tying in, especially the clematis.

This Nelly Moser is looking particularly good this year, since we had the bamboo thinned out behind the arbour, it gets so much more light. Its flowers are the size of dinner plates!

I also planted up a container near the front door, with summer bedding for some brightness.

We sat out back looking at the end result of our labours for half an hour this evening, all it needed was a bit of sunshine :-/

Dinner tonight was peppered mackerel for hub, and seabass for me, with jersey royals, asparagus and side salad. The jersey royals were ok, but nothing like they used to be, virtually no taste!!

Think it will be a chilled evening in front of the tv..... with maybe a little tipple later on ;-)

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