Moths and Roses
Not quite hard rock, but a delight to see in the absence of the butterflies I'd hoped for. (Think I did see a Common Blue briefly, but it disappeared over a hedge.)
The little brown moth that I don't remember seeing before, is SEE BELOW* (I think!) a brown silver-line (Petrophora chlorosata) and the pretty white one (that I've seen lots of times) is a silver-ground carpet (Xanthorhoe montanata). They're both tiny. Thought the white and pink wild roses set them off nicely.
*EDIT 16 May 2021
Thanks to La55e who has identified the brown moth as The Snout (Hypena proboscidalis).
Hope you're having a great weekend. Mr PP and I still keep falling asleep at silly times of day, but we're gradually waking later in the mornings - 4am - 5am - 6am ... Getting there!
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