Home again, home again, jiggety-jig
Due to a misunderstanding (not mine) over dates, the person who is holding the fort at Pookie-Minty-Leo's next week, while I'm house-sitting at Rowardennan, was arriving today instead of Tuesday, so I have had to move back home for two nights.
While it's always lovely to come home, it has meant a lot of extra humphing of heavy boxes and bags up (today) and down (on Tuesday) stairs.
On the plus side, I get to use my favourite teapot and one of my favourite mugs, both of which were Potfest purchases years ago...which brings me to a sore point: this is the second year the Rowardennan house-sit has coincided with Potfest, so I haven't been able to go. I won't be making that mistake again!
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