
I seem to spend quite a lot of my time doing things for other people and organisations. That's good and, at the risk of sounding virtuous, it's a way of paying back for what I've received in the past.

Thursday I was photographing a family which had just lost a baby, yesterday I was judging the photography entries for a Country Show and today I have spent at Waddesdon Manor. All in all, I'm paying back for a bit of my good fortune, having fun at the same time and using skills I have been lucky enough to develop. I suspect most of us are doing similar things.

It's been a really fun day at Waddesdon. In the morning I was with another volunteer on the Main Door, meeting and greeting our visitors as they begin looking around the mansion. I have worked in this position with the same volunteer before and we have lots of laughs; good teamwork too.

I then switched to my other volunteer position outside at the North Fountain for the afternoon. Another fun session meeting people off the buses and helping to enhance their pleasure of Waddesdon. Our visitors are almost always good natured and appreciative of the place and all that is done to help them have a good time.

We've been out to dinner with friends this evening so a good day all round.

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