Counting Sheep

I had far too much cheese last night and ended up still awake at 5.15am...

Bit of a nightmare really! Actually a nightmare might have been more interesting...

As always when you can't sleep, the sensible thing to do is to get up and read, watch a bit of TV, until you feel tired. Or you stay in bed getting more and more frustrated that you can't sleep.

So at 4.15am I did go downstairs and eventually dropped off an hour or so later.

If you ever need a cure for insomnia you could just read what I've written above. Possibly the dullest thing I've ever written, even if it does contain a tenuous link to this photo of an afternoon walk. Sheep. Counting Sheep. zzzzz

I've had so little time for journal visiting over this holiday period - hope to catch up a bit over the next few days.

Hope it's all been good for you :o)

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