Commemoration ....
..... of D Day ....
75 years ago.
For our tomorrow they gave their today! Thank you so much for all who gave us freedom by their selfless acts to keep us save and allow others to enjoy life to the full. We owe them so much .
Weather today seems ok to how it must have been 75 years ago on 5th June, which made the help for France by landing on the Normandy coast , a difficult decision but the 6th of June had to be the final decision for the attack. The word ATTACK sounds a really bad one, but, this was war and these things sadly happen . Again we say " For our tomorrow they gave their today!"
My window cleaner has just rung to say he's on his way so now I'll be able to see out of the Windows!
I'm really cold this morning almost like winter again, I wish it would warm up, tho' I expect it will come in so hot we will be complaining about that too. Never satisfied are we?
My lovely daughter is coming soon to do a job for me and have a cuppa before she's off to school ( working). I'm so grateful for her help.
Appreciate ..... help large or small shown to me.
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