The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

Not just fields. For the festivities... a foreign land! The spiky rock lump is San Marino and some of the cloud in the background is actually sea.

A meme...The end of year meme (part 1)

[1.] What did you do in 2012 that you have never done before?
Ach,same old, same old...
I drove on a motorway and nobody died! It's only taken me since forever to pluck up the courage; I was convinced that I would be the one on the hard shoulder, bent over the steering wheel, sobbing pitifully into my hands and wondering how the hell I was going to get out of there...
I went to see The Mouse Known As Mickey in Paris. That was an experience. Asking directions while still wearing a stupid pair of Minnie ears (Thanks, The Child, I owe you...)

[2.] Did you keep all of last years resolutions?
I never make resolutions at New Year because I know I'd be hopeless at keeping them.

[3.] Have you any resolutions for next year?
See above. Perhaps I'll try to change a few things, but quietly, without saying too much because the moment I do, it all seems to go belly up, pear shaped and have "FAIL" stamped all over it.

[4.] What countries did you visit?
The UK a few times. Never for very long, although long enough to make me think I might miss it more than I thought I did.
France to see TMKAM. That's it.

[5.] What would you like to have in 2013 that you didn't have in 2012?
I could probably come up with a long list of things, but I think a little more peace of mind would be top of it.

[6.] What date in 2012 will remain etched in your memory?
I am rubbish with dates. I am bad enough with days and very rarely know which is what or why or who or when!
I can do months, though: January had some very nice bits in it and so did August.

[7.] What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I don't think I achieved anything at all. I don't look at things as achievements, they are just there and either I do them and get on with it or I don't do them and beat myself up about it before forgetting about them entirely.

[8.] What was your biggest failure?
I am the worst person to ask that. I see much of what I do as having failed. I am Queen of Fail. I suppose letting go more would have been chalked up as a success, but I failed big time on that score.

[9.] Did you suffer any illness or injury?
I am horribly healthy, at least physically. I don't really get ill and have a tendency to fall apart when I do because I am just not used to it. Common colds are seen as nothing less than a life-threatening form of plague and I have to take to my bed and wilt, moan and try to die gracefully à la Garbo.
I have been B12 deficient and anaemic (still am) and I learned to inject myself in the right buttock. Go me.
As for injuries - the usual cuts, scalds and burns from hot water, cooking implements, sharp pointy things, etc. I should only cook under supervision.

[10.] What was the best thing you bought?
Tickets to see Dead Can Dance. No contest.
A couple of tickets home come a close second.

[11.] Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
A few people. But even being appalled or depressed about it is not going to change things.

[12.] Where did most of your money go?
VAT, income tax and national insurance payments.

[13.] What did you get really really really excited about?
Going to see Dead Can Dance.
Meeting up with a few people I'd been longing to see again.

[14.] What songs will always remind you of 2012?

[15.] Compared to this time last year are you:
[A] Fatter or thinner?
Just fat. Whether -er or not, I don't know.
Happier or sadder?
At the moment, sadder. And being such a miserable old bat anyway, that isn't good.
[C] Richer or poorer?
Much, much poorer. Thank you Italian government.

[16.] What do you wish you'd done more of?
Reading proper books

[17.] What do you wish you'd done less of?
Working/being on the computer/waiting.

[18.] How will you be spending Christmas?
With friends. Good food, good wine, good company. (It was).

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