Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


(Yet Another Hospital Blip)

Yes, here I am yet again in hospital. AND I missed out on a PizzaExpress lunch with complimentary Prosecco. I woke with headache and nausea, so stayed in bed till the afternoon. Just as well I got up then, as Andrew, our very lovely builder popped in as he was in the neighbourhood. Archie was delighted! He fixed some loose wires out the back. Did I mention he was a lovely man?

However, things then took a downward spiral. I began to get cold. I began to shiver, then I began to shake all over. Last time I had this the doctor said I should have phoned NHS111, so I did it this time.

I was admitted to A&E and they immediately set to with tubes and needles and monitors and all sorts. They were not happy with my 'numbers'. Turns out I have a urinary infection, and need to stay in hospital to be monitored. Jings! I don’t believe me! In fact, the doctor was asking me to recount what happened, and then asked,
'When did you last feel well?'

Two hours in the A&E corridor on a trolley wasn’t fun, then I was moved to a spare A&E bed, which had less bright lights, but even more noise from the central office thing.

I was then moved to a very quiet ward about 2am. The doctor came to chat at 4am, but I slept from then until 6am when they wakened everyone up.

This photo was actually taken about 3am. But it was the only thing I ate/drank all day. Apart from the oatcake which did not stay down.

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