The Snore Room

So this is the new Snore Room that is really the office but now that Daughter Number 1 is staying, we no longer have somewhere to either escape MY snoring or Mr W's violent nudges! And yes, I did sleep in there last night!!!

Its actually very comfortable but a little noisy and bright as there is a single skin skylight directly above the bed - and I had to take the battery out the clock as it was - well - ticking!

I would love Bella to join me in the bed especially as she seems to quite like sitting on it but she is shut in the kitchen/diner over night and that works so why change it.

After a lovely long walk over the Ashdown Forest with DN1 and Bella of course, I had to go to work for a few hours. I rewarded myself with a McFlurry while I was there!!!

So here is Bella in my snore Room with the Flag to remember the D Day veterans. With today also being 10 years to the day that I had to leave the Marital home and my Babies in the most awful of circumstances. Never imagining I would loose it forever. A date that will always stick in my mind.Of course I got my Babies back and since then I have learnt not to treasure materials things.

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