Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Wetter on the inside

It rained today. If it’s wet outside it might as well be wet inside, I say. And I did educate a barista who said she liked it wet by saying that there was a name for people like her: pluviophile.

My personal favourite when it comes to wet words is petrichor: the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. Then there is precipitation of course.

I wonder if it is a coincidence that so many of them begin with a "p"?

We had a plumber in to look at the bathroom (that is arguably another wet word beginning with a p). We have two more on Monday. But we don’t yet have a vision so we need to think about it over the weekend. No point pouring money down the plug hole.

Seriously it’s been a difficult week. A man deserves a glass of wine. Bottoms up ...

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