Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

One aloof stands sentinel

Back to work..

Deserted streets awash with the detritus of days of rain, scattered with limp all kinds of things, flashing Christmas lights in forlorn dark windows casting moments of cheer amid the solemn pitch.
Rain drips off the rim of my cycle helmet, an all too familiar sensation.
The river is charging into the banks, turbulent and rash, bullying its way to the sea. Branches and twigs float and spin, dancing around in a gypsy like dance, wild and free.

The river life stands in quiet corners, not daring to enter the vortex of swirling muddy, thick liquid. As young swans eye the frantic flow, adults keep a strong presence at the gateways to its destructive course. The heron, statue like and ignored, seems to be otherworldly standing alone amid all the ghostly forms.

I stood watching....

How funny, there I am, alone on the other side of the river, aloof and sentinel, the watcher....watching the watched, mirrors of life.....

The rain comes harder...time for coffee!


The cycle begins again.


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