Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Dark moods

It's official...I have the winter cold!

Boring....that's what it is.....tedious and dull!

The cycle ride to work was done in yet another gale and rain type day..the darkness outside replicating my mood from inside. The ever deeper puddles sucking at the tyres as I splash my way passed black commons and dark brooding trees, bent over the paths dripping heavy droplets onto me...making me shudder.

The path is lonely, barren of fellow cyclists, a void of company....I felt very low...not finding any solace in the usual journey....bloody weather...bloody cold.

I would really like to see my wife, spend some time snuggled up on the settee covered in a blanket....instead...I am at work....then she starts nights over the mood, like the weather is black indeed.

A new year.....that's what I need.....get back into the groove...get fit...get some fun stuff....yeah baby! That's the ticket!

Get rid of this cold first! :)

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