Pappy’s Girl

I went to the gym this morning as I’ve not had chance to go all week, and Rach and the girls came and went in the cafe/children’s play area while I had my workout.

We went home for lunch and then Alan and I to the marina with Violet as Scarlett had some homework to do for school as she’s got her SATs next week. I had to do a food shop, so I took V with me while Alan went for a coffee, and then once we’d finished, we went for a walk along the boardwalk so V could see the boats. It was so windy though!

We got home about 5pm, quickly put the shopping away and then Alan went to pick Dave and Wendy up from their AirBnB as they’re here for a couple of nights to go and see Elton John in concert tomorrow. When they booked the tickets last year we arranged to go out with them, but with the girls being here, we invited them to us for the evening instead, and Rach knows them too so it was nice for her to see them. The plan was to BBQ and spend the evening in the garden, but sadly with the wind that wasn’t possible so we got an Indian takeaway instead.

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