The first Negroni
Mr B has picked Negroni as his cocktail for the summer, so earlier in the year I dried some orange slices for authenticity. Today was the first go and, despite a temperature issue that resulted in the gin being frozen, it was rather a success. I’m not convinced I’m built for cocktails any more so stuck to a timid rosé for my post-work, pre-bbq tipple.
Having made the decision to get a gardener, I obviously have to spend every second of the long weekend tidying it before they come to quote. Not really, but it seemed like a good impetus to plant all the new arrivals that have been patiently waiting in pots, and to tidy the ‘beds’ a bit so it will be more evident where they should stop cutting.
The sticky grass left my arms swollen with hives (despite a long-sleeved top and gloves) so I was ministered to with antihistamines, various creams, ice blocks and ibuprofen (and Cabernet Sauvignon).
Later, after lamb kebabs, Mr B and I were joined on the terrace by TallGirl and Piper (CarbBoy is unwell) where TallGirl failed to get into a hammock, then ended up trapped in it. Despite all that incompetence, she may have lured Mr B to the dark-side (Android).
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