Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Sunday — New Sink!

During this past month, we went to a used restaurant equipment store and found this sink/countertop unit, and then our son-in-law, who is a vice president at a construction firm, was able to get us a brand new faucet for free from one of his suppliers who donated it (woohoo).

So now we have something as good or better here at our SoCal house than the laundry sink that’s on the patio at our coast house.

The only problem today was that we waited a little too late into the afternoon and the garage, which is where this sink is, had gotten a bit warm. It was hot here in Southern California today. So we turned a little portable fan on and directed it toward us and that helped.

So that’s our Sunday story .
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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