Don't forget to take me too.....

He has this habit of going from room to room with me as I pack.....just in case we may forget he is coming away with us too.

I am working from home today but keep thinking of things I simply mustn't forget to pack, but may well forget if I don't get it as I think of it, but hope to clock off about 5. I'm tempted to pop to John Lewis as I have some vouchers - I kind of cant be arsed though. I'm enjoying being in no mans lands - you know when you can't remember what day it is?

Simon is doing some book work while I do sales forecasting boring stuff for work, radio two is on and lunch is a bowl of soup. I am also sat here wondering how two people can go away for a week but still fill the car AND the roof box (there are lots of 'just in case' things that I tend to pack). I'm sure I don't need 14 long sleeved tops..... But you never know.......and layering is good right?

Right, must get back to work.

Happy Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday to you :)

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