
Today's the day …………………… to look back

One of the nice things about having blipped for so long is that I can look back over the past eight years - and see what I posted on that particular day.  And, I have to say, I usually do.

I noticed that on the 8th June last year, I blipped this.  The funny thing is that we have the same flag flying just now - because again it is the Critérium du Dauphiné  cycling race and we're watching it with great interest.  What's more,  I spoke to my sister, Marj, last night.  She's waiting to hear when she will go for an operation to sort her other hip.

This time last year, we had no idea that in a year's time, we would be living here in this wonderful place.  But, here we are - same flag, different view ……………………….

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