That Monday feeling

Having not been out experiencing folk loveliness on a Sunday night, Bailey did not really have an excuse for his comatose behaviour this morning other than it is his usual routine to hate Mondays and get a bit more used to the early starts by the time we get to Friday. I had to hit the snooze button twice but did get myself moving more quickly than he did. 

I was then fairly productive once in work before other folk arrived and we had a team strategy day which ticked some other things off lists in preparation for September. Everyone else's day was then picked over at the end of it through the medium of my inbox and one or two things resolved and quite a few other things added to tomorrow's list. 

Persistent rain for much of the day and on into this evening means that Bailey had a very short walk and then took himself off because I was working.  So, he has started and ended his day in almost exactly the same pose.

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