Beauty in Brokeness

Blipping a day late again! 
Carl and I did a mini photo tour day...we'd had 4 hours sleep after the nighttime shoot, so were feeling a bit tired! The highlight of the day was going to the abandoned nightclub in the San Jose hills...built in the 70s and only open for 2 seasons.It's huge and crumbling, and covered in colourful graffiti - utterly beautiful and amazing!! It was an outdoor tiered club...Bob Marley performed there once! Loads of amazing arches and steps...colour absolute feast for the eyes - Mountainbrew I thought of you a lot! We headed out to Es Vedra again and took a few daytime shots. 

Home and it was Caña Club and then looking after the kids upon Sa Penya. Asha and Nate came up too...we took chalks again...they're proving to be a hit! 

Home, shattered, happy.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A breakthrough with 3 of the women in Sa Penya.
2) Feeling so alive walking around the Festival Club.
3) Danny having the kids so I could have this day.

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