Lego time

My two wishes for Christmas presents were granted today: I got a shower (unaccompanied!) and I had a nap! Everything else was a bonus :)

One of our gifts was a food hamper from Steve's parents and I debated (briefly) with myself whether to have stollen for breakfast before figuring that I was the only person who was going to eat it (with great pleasure, I may add) and so dosed myself right up with insulin and had a very yummy decadent breakfast!

We spread the present opening out over the course of the day and so Ben got chance to actually look at and play with everything. Jigsaw puzzles, books, an owl hand puppet (genius present - instantly loved, and now lives in the christmas tree!), lego. Charley wasn't fussed with the whole shebang and demanded painkillers and a nap (which I shared) not long after breakfast. Lunch was a foraging-in-the-fridge affair (it was obvious that I'd had far too much sugar and chocolate because by the afternoon I was physically craving broccoli) and after skype calls to the grandparents we opened the final presents which we'd deliberately saved 'til last.

"Buzz Lightyear, to the rescue!"

"To infinity. And beyond!"

"Where there's danger, there's a Space Ranger!"

Suffice to say, Buzz stole the show :)

So we skype-called Ruth to say thankyou, and Ben shot Buzz's laser at Ruth's snowman.

Charley is still suffering but at least he had a bit of happy time in the afternoon before collapsing again for bed.

While I put the boys to bed (Charley on the sofa while Ben got ready for bed in the kitchen, and Ben upstairs while Charley slept) Steve got cooking, eager to use his new cooking thermometer. So we had Christmas Dinner, just the two of us, at 9 at night. Perfect medium rare rack of lamb, fondant potatoes, roast parsnips, a gorgeous red wine reduction, and broccoli to satisfy my craving for greenery. He did very good!!

And that is when we should have gone to bed but instead I realised I'd not sorted out bringing my photo library to Manchester with me to finish a photo book so Steve stayed up til almost 3am I think sorting that out for me...

Funniest bit of the day, when Ben was getting dressed. Quote taken from Steve's fb page...

So, Sex Ed at age four on Christmas Day.

Ben is stood in the buff except for his socks and asks "Daddy, what's in my willy?"

"You'll find out when you're older," I reply.

"But Daddy what's it for?"

"It's for making babies with mummies."

"Daddy I know what's in it. Squirms in it that you give to mummies, to make babies. I know because Grace told me."

So there you go :) Now you know!

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