
By EdwardHealey

Will Young...

...looks on mildly annoyed at the poor quality adhesive used.

In extra photos more bike stuff but to prevent boring those of you who are not bike people I thought Will Young should be star of today's Blip.

However, the bike things are very exciting, well I think so. I have decided to add to Electric Eric's load carrying capacity in a very traditional way but with a slight 'Hipster' twist. And, no, before you say it I could in no way be considered a hipster, I just liked the style of this. It's a new Carradice Barley saddlebag with proper Harris Tweed.

I absolutely love it!

Brompton folds no problem and it will be perfect for my trip down to London on the train to stay with a pal next week as it will add to the front bag, which has a 10kg limit, so that I can carry all I need for a couple of overnights. 

In other news, got drenched again on the bike, it stopped raining just as I stepped through the door home.

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