Passing through

This is a series of photos taken as I walked through town. Some parts I hadn't been through since before the earthquakes.

It's interesting to see what I saw in colour versus black and white.

The purpose of my walk was was to attend an optometrist appointment. I have some decisions to make and yes I need new glasses. My eyes are never straight forward.

Any hoo, on the way there low cloud was rolling in and by the time I was finished it was gloomy. I'm glad I'd decided to use the bus rather than drive.

One if my colleagues spilled water on his keyboard today. That's not uncommon and the outcome is generally better that when it's coffee.

We discovered a hilarious page on our intranet on spillages. A 13 step process that starts at step 1 with "treat yourself...". What, to ice-cream, another coffee, shopping...?

I guess you had to be there but it was very funny.

Today's gratitude: For absolutely nailing a presentation. I'm delighted.

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