as seen

By jankerman

Silver Lining

Rain ! rain on and off for much of the day. But we cannot complain only other rain we had had was on the first night in Kilmarnock Thursday last.
A quiet day had been planned as it is our last, the guys start their two day return tomorrow (Saturday) while I remain for a little longer with a more photographic content.
Walk in two groups, one heading clockwise around the harbour and the other to the opposite side. Also took in Tarbert church, see extras and a shot from harbour road. While the main Blip is two of the working boats who landed catches this morning. We reunited in the pub, had lunch back at the house then four of us toured a loop taking in Killberry .
An evening walk in to town for fish and chips before a walk back in more rain. Hope you all had a good day and weekend to come.

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